Your Pet’s Endocannabinoid System (ECS)

Meeting your pet's individual needs across every life stage by supporting the endocannabinoid system.

Research in cannabis (both medical marijuana and hemp), the benefits of the plant, and products available to both medical patients and public consumers seems to be developing at a lightning speed. Yet, many misconceptions of the therapeutic benefits, quality of products, and stigmas still flood our social media and news platforms, journals, and even political campaigns. What we know and practice at Healthy Hemp Pet is the importance of critical thinking, the power of science and evidence-based research, and our unwavering commitment to premium quality. The ability to support health and well-being is a cornerstone to our mission to bring premium, tested, and trusted products to the pet industry.

As pet people and advocates ourselves, we realize the importance of our role in an industry we are so passionate about. We value the opportunity to help educate fellow pet lovers who honor the unconditional love our pets bring to our lives. We feel a great responsibility to help you support your pets/them across all life stages, from neonates, through adolescence and adulthood, and the precious moments of their golden years. 

Healthy Hemp Pet’s full-spectrum hemp(CBD) products are a (safe and natural/tested and trusted) option to support balance and well-being, even when a pet guardian communicates that their pet is in optimal health. After all, we want to maintain optimal health for as many years as possible, and an effortless way to establish this is by controlling everything that goes into and onto our beloved pets. Our products are one way to easily maintain optimal health through supporting the endocannabinoid system (ECS) of your best pets!

The ECS is responsible for nearly every function in the bodies of all living mammals; specifically in helping to keep us and our pets in homeostasis (balance). To give a more detailed close-up/more microscoped view of the importance of the ECS in our daily lives (and again, our pets as well), it is of significance to understand all that the ECS regulates. This includes appetite and digestion, blood pressure, fertility, immune system function, inflammation processes, liver function, memory and mood, neurogenesis, pain responses, sleep, stress, and temperature––and this is just a partial list! Understanding this, it is clear to see why supporting this system supports all other systems across a lifetime. Utilizing the phytocannabinoids available in Healthy Hemp Pet /hemp(CBD) to support the ECS can be akin to keeping oil in your car.  

When we support brain development and learning, our young animals are better capable of retaining what they learn from their mother and later from their human handlers. Naturally, a young animal who learns and retains appropriate behaviors becomes a good housemate. If, as animals enter and go through teething periods, they receive pain and inflammation management some of the inappropriate “mouthing” tendencies are easier to resolve. Perhaps most notable is that when we start supporting good health early on in development, we help make the path to well-being more attainable. Healthy habits, like supporting the ECS across a lifetime may be a critical link to offering greater longevity to our beloved pets. 

As pet guardians, we are in sole control of what our animals are exposed to everyday, this is not just limited to the food in their bowls, access to fresh air and physical activity, environmental enrichment and engagement, medical care, but also nutritional supplements. It is often the animal in prime optimal health missing out on the benefits of supplementation throughout their lifetime.

If we are lucky enough to share our lives with senior and geriatric pets, lifestyle and dietary adjustments often make all the difference in adding more quality to their days. The habits established when they were just babies, the same habits they enjoyed through adulthood often help mitigate health crisis in our senior pets as they enjoy their golden years. Inflammation, aches, and pains associated with aged joints drastically impact mobility, mood, and appetite.

Just as full spectrum hemp cannabinoids support a growing animal’s brain in memory and learning, the same cannabinoids support the cognitive integrity of senior animals. We want to see all senior pets thriving and by supporting their ECS we hope to hear more stories of how appetite, mobility, and mood are all stabilized by the power of the incredible plant medicine in hemp.

Cross-lifetime support of the ECS is not going to stop time, but we certainly strive to produce our hemp products that will help each and every animal have their very best day, everyday.


Adrienne Dellwo, “What Is the Endocannabinoid System, “ verrywellhealth (Feb. 2020).

  1. Fraga, C.I,S, Zinoni, G.A.Rae, C.A. Parada, and G.E.P. Souza, “Endogenous Cannabinoids Induce Fever Through the Activation of CB1 Receptors.” British Journal of Pharmacology 157, no 8 (August 2009):1494-1501

Hui-Chen Lu and Ken Mackie, “An Introduction to the Endogenous Cannabinoid System,” Biological Psychiatry 79, no. 7 (April, 2016):516-25.

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